Thursday is our weekly meeting - a group gets together and stitches. Within that group, 6 of us decided to do Mary Wigham as a SAL. We started it July 2009 and the only time we stitch on her is on that Thursday. It is amazing how much gets done, we are all in various places, depending on how many Thursdays we have missed. One gal is almost done! It's fun to watch her progress as there is a variety of fabrics, counts and fibers. We have talked about copying them all at the print shop and using the copies to cover paper mache boxes - an idea we borrowed from the Blackbird girls.
Friday was my other chapter's meeting. We are fortunate to have a professional designer as a member. She designed a Christmas piece for canvas that we stitched in July. I taught a no sew cube finish. The Americana cube below is the July project from our local ANG chapter. I finished it for a friend.
Today was our first meeting for an EGA Correspondence Course learning odd count Flat Peyote beading. After about 2 hours, I was on overload! I may not stitch any tonight....certainly not anything that requires me to think too hard! I will be checking out the two books the teacher recommended. Hope one is Beading for Dummies!
Well, enough for one evening....more later.